
It’s the weekend again and its time to be a grooving and a grinding! It’s been a while since i blogged and i have to say i was hoping id be more regular on this than my once a month blogs.

I mean there ought to be something worth writing about aint it ? Surely life has something more than just the mundane to think about. There could be two reason for that

1. You dont find your life exciting enough to love its moments – in which case – it might be time to really look within and figure where you want to go – like to the Andamans to buy an island like my man Kaddu perhaps

- OR –

2. You just dont want to talk about it because you’re a super hero and cant give away your identity.

In my case its the latter of course, im a Super Commando : ) See for yourself!

Other than killing villians and assorted baddies, i cant complain, ive been loving it.

My sis, just left for Paris to study law for a while, which is good coz if my secrets out i need some lawyers to protect my ass. I mean think about it, you seen those superheroes, breaking down houses, ruining coffee shops, crashing planes, hell im sure the government wants to sue their asses : )

What else do we have here, football fever, dont see enough of that yet for sure, cant claim to be a football maniac, but its a fun watch, 10 people running after a ball ( the goalkeeper doesnt! ) and getting themselves colour cards – like my friend Mukesh said “Man that was a bad one, he deserves a green card!” He he !

Well gotta go meus amigos – till our paths meet!


Didnt get around to that phone just as yet, back to contemplating that one for now : ) Couldnt get my hands on that just as yet, but i did manage to get my hands around – a lot of spam ! Which isnt amusing at all – What is the deal with the spammers, no one’s  reading it, and i dont know anyone who bought a manhood enhancer or those whacky pills they peddle, but hey if you cant beat it , smack it : )

In other news, our ISP seems to have smartened up, no more “borrowed” accounts working, which is extremely annoying, was just so used to all that speed, boned back to a 256k for now – oh the agony! Only a net lover would know : ) Like my friend Bhavesh.

Moving along, I’m always interested in finding direction for things, its important, or else you’re just moving along with the current, which is fine, if you want to go that way, but in my view if you dont take charge of your life, someone else will – Like my friend Pia feels – “If you dont stand for something – you fall for everyone” or something like that : )

So the purpose of a blog, is to express inner feelings or ideas if you prefer, and ideas are what influence people, ideas are what bring about society to its standards – it could be argued that society brings about ideas which would be true as well. I wouldnt want to experiment with the thought of living in solitude like the greek philosopher Democritus, who some say went mad because of living by himself. The true nature of man is not discovered in solitude or company, but within man himself, and i do believe that man is a gregarious social animal who thrives on company.

Back to influence of course, there are those who are affected by society, and there are those who will affect society. As a Hindu, I have been brought up with the idea of re-birth which is why i leave so much work undone – there is another life to do it in and all eternity to complete it. Perhaps that is why relegions who believe in but a single birth to do it all in manage to get so much further. Of course they may manage because they dont spend all their free time writing blog entries too..

As a  result of believing in rebirth, i am of the opinion that we are born with “samskar” of which the closests definition or meaning i can think of is personality traits or ideas or mental makeup. Now i am of the opinion that these samskara’s are a cumulative culmination of past lives, and their termination is in the realization of universal consciousness – as The Matrix has put it – of being “the One”.

I shall ramble no further, thanks for being in and see ya downstream people.

Wheeeeeee First Post!

Welcome to Dhruv’s website people.  I have to say life is just so exciting, it’s not just like a box of chocolates where you dont know what you’re going to get, but its like a ship full of chocolates – the dark bitter sweet sort – the type i like : ) Dont know what that has to do with life, but it’s all good : )

Sort of excited about getting me a new phone here, the n80 seems like a nice one, has wifi which is exciting. The other option is the cool w900 from Sony. The good part about the sony is that they just have such nice packaging, vs well just about anybody.

As far as phones go i dont really see the room for innovation at the moment, you’ve got your messaging, pictures, some funky ringtones and then a bunch of bells and whistles like actually talking to people, but give me something i can use ! I’d like to see a flip phone that presents a holographic image of the other person and then im making my calls to mallika sherawat who only has time to take my calls when she’s showering, of course she’s never alone at that point, so i cant say im looking forward to it!

Since im not one to procrastinate for too long, im going to head off from here and catch you later. See ya on the timeline folks.